Telegram: more than messenger
Due to blocking foreign social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, the preferences of Russian users on the Internet have changed. Advertising experts expected that people would leave Western social networks in the Russian segment. As we can see, this is exactly what happened, and from this spring Russian audiences have been using Russian-made platforms.
In particular, since March 2022, the number of users of the Telegram has increased. Telegram first overtook WhatsApp and Viber chat apps and became the most popular messenger in the country. The fact that Telegram is the most popular application in Russia is confirmed by various mobile operators.
Now Telegram takes the second place in the number of posts for this spring, it was published 7.7 million posts. The first place is taken by the social network of VK, where 13.6 million posts were published. New subscribers have come to Telegram, as well as more channels have appeared, many celebrities began to start Telegram channels.
Telegram has become not only a communication tool, but also one of the main sources of news and information content through channels today. This messenger has many extra options. Telegram can be used for personal correspondence, multi-member groups or special channels, which are already more like a page in a social network. A Telegram channel is a community run by an administrator. He can create posts and decide what actions are available to channel subscribers. For example, sending reactions or adding comments. The channel may be private or public.
Telegram plans to develop as a powerful communication platform for people and businesses, so Telegram’s audience will certainly continue to grow. Many Russian entrepreneurs have left suspended social networks and reoriented advertising to other social platforms. Entrepreneurs need to clearly understand which social networks or messengers their potential audience has switched to.
The growth in the number of subscribers in Telegram channels and the number of users led to a strong influx of advertisers in the messenger. Demand for advertising among opinion leaders together with the price increased by 20-30% in April 2022. In general, in spring the number of advertising orders increased approximately three times compared to the average number of orders in winter 2022.
To advertise your products and services in Telegram, you may start your own Telegram channel. It can be promoted to the target audience free of charge or by paying for advertisements on other channels with a suitable audience of subscribers. In the second case, you will find a channel with expert content on a topic relevant to your product. The main thing is that the channel was of high quality, with valuable content. There is an audience for any business on a fast-growing platform among millions of users.
Create diverse content within your theme: selling, informational, entertaining. The content should be useful and solve the reader’s problems. People will read, repost and discuss it with friends. This can lead to an increase in the number of subscribers and free traffic. You can also use bots. These little helpers are designed to simplify the work of Telegram users. It should be remembered that all ads are moderated, so it is impossible to launch advertising for tobacco products, gambling, alcohol and drugs.
The main difference of advertising in Telegram is that most of the communication takes place in personal messages and group chats. For example, readers don't repost the liked message in the public space, but just send it to friends. Although it is impossible to collect and analyze statistics in Dark Social, its features can be played well.
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